Monday, August 17, 2009

getting to know TEA!

some people have a problem with my blogging and constantly changing my status, but i decided a long time to live my life privately, but make things simple where people could understand a somewhat complex individual.

my life for the most part has been a work in progress forever. when you deal with as much as i have in my 24 years on this earth you tend to stop and analyze things more deeply. i will say over the past year i have learned more about myself and others. i believe life is something that must be lived, you take experiences, and lessons from others to build your own character, and become a person of poise, grace, and style. growing up i never looked up to many people or wanted to be like anyone. i was not into sports figures, but i understood the importance to education, and being cultured. on the sunny morning of october 13th my biological father walked out of the door and the last words he ever said was "I will be back later", i never saw him alive again. despite the fact that was almost 19 years ago, i find myself at age twenty four constantly reliving those moments along with many more from my childhood, and other times of my life. my sister told me one time that death and money can pretty much be the roots of all evil, she said they will make you see things and sides of people that you never even knew existed.

i grew up without much direction, but with many talents, i knew i wanted to be successful, but i was not really devoted to anything fully, i didn't date much, i was popular, but due to my nature i didn't let people get real close to me. i would say in my middle school years i started to learn how people really see you and feel about you. friendship were hard for me particularly because i was unhappy with myself. high school was terrible, but i made it, and decided i wanted more that what was being offered that is what lit the fire under me to go to college, develop bonds and relationships with people that would be a positive force in my life. college taught me so much about myself. i learned how to use my voice, i met friends that i am happy to have in my life, i met people that came from the best of families, i met people that has never lived in a home, all of these meeting made me become more thankful for what i had and even the things i didn't have.

I decided to be real about myself, and surround myself with positive people, and that was one of the best decisions i ever made. over the past 4 years i have met some of the most influential individuals one could meet. i surround myself with a network of people that share visions, and goals for themselves as well as society. from my spiritual leader, to people that i admire, i am truly blessed to have people in my life that care, and know i am a great person.

as i become that african-american man that i wish i had all my life to look up to, it's great to have the support of so many people. and i just wanted to say thanks for getting to know me. as many of you know i have been doing graphic design, and photography for a while now, i am taking that to levels unseen. i have also decided to play a more active roles in causes that are near and dear to my heart. i will be joining the fight against HIV-AIDS right here in our own communities in america, starting with a HBCU tour where I speak to young students about HIV, understanding how serious this is in our community, and how we as a generation need to step up to the plate to fight in this war. i will also be working with youth support groups at texas childrens hospital, and md anderson cancer center. if i have tagged you please know you have played a vital role in my life, and i cherish the relationship we have. look out for me!

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