Saturday, December 30, 2006

my black queen....

i never met her, but she touched my life in so many ways. she was the type of woman i would want to marry if i were straight, she was a woman of class style and defiance, and we lost her in 2006. Coretta Scott King ,the widow of the late martin luther kind died january 30th 2006, at a clinic in baja california, mexico, from complications caused my ovarian cancer. after she died i did more and more extensive research into her, and i have found that she stood for so many things beyond what is often reported. as a young black gay man i often struggle with acceptance especially from the older black community, and she stressed the importance of equality, often pointing out that discrimination and not allowing gays the same rights was the exact same as segregation to africanamericans prior to the civil rights movement. i know i said the last was my final entry, but this was on my mind...

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