Thursday, October 05, 2006

Making it hard for the rest of us...

Turn on the news and all you see is this scandal that is unfolding in Washington. This entire Foley mess is really one of those things that pisses me off. I was just starting to recover from the entire Jim McGreevey book release. I am looking at all of these upeer middle class white politicians that are making life so hard for the average gay person, because of their poor choices when it come to what they do. I know so many people that want to be in politics and in the public eye, but feel since they live in this "lifestyle" they will never have a chance, yet you have shit like this happening, that makes the entire community look stupid...

As far the the page program is concerned, out of all of the footage I have seen over the past couple of days, I have not seen one black page. Now that I think about it I never had even heard of the program until this week, and as one associate pointed out to me it seems that it is yet another grooming program for upper middle class and rich spoiled kids....Foley wants to used the excuse that he was molested as a child, that it is sooo hard being an "out" republican, well that is bullshit...

I came out to a southern, single mother at age sixteen. I had fears that almost anyone would have when coming out at age sixteen. It is often said tha black mother and fathers take it harder than others. When I think of how hard it was to accept the feelings, and deal with them alone, and face them head on like a real man, it makes me sick to my stomach when I see these men that seem to have it all, amke such a big deal, and have people make excuses for their bad judgment calls.....

The rest of America who is already not so friendly nad caring to the thoughts, rights and concerns of GLBT Americans, will become more stupid and really not want us to have equal rights. When you see people like Foley and McGreevy enjoying their lives, having their cake and eating it too, and not caring about those of us who live this hard life everyday, and have to prove to people we are human beings, not aminals, or children of the devil.

Trust me this is notthe last you will see nor hear from me on these matters....

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