Friday, September 22, 2006


Last Tuesday while coing through my mail box I saw an flyer for the premier of an independant film, filmed here in Houston, about the affect of the HIV-AIDS epidemic from a black female's point ov view. Now being the son of a black queen, I know that all womens don't have the same thoughs as the thoughts expressed in that movie. The movie was short, about 30 minutes to be exact, we arrived at the River Oaks Theather about 6:50 stood in line, and paid our $5.00 for entry. We sat there for a good 30 mins waiting on the DVD to start. We looked around a couple of times, and clearly noticed something, we were probally the only open gay black men in the room. Well the movie started out the the main character asking her boyfriend "Are you gay??" Brandon looked at me, and I looked at him, and from our expressions we both were saying "oh shit". To sum up the movie the boyfriend had been in jail for a crime he iddn't commit, and ended up becoming infected, was released, and started passing it on. However the movie made HIV-AIDS out to be a gay epidemic, and presented the faslehood that the only way black women contract it is through having sex with a man who has had sex with another man. The movie didn't stress the importance of safe sex practices, getting HIV tests, or anything, it clear painted a picture that the only way she was infected was becasue her boyfriend was "GAY". That is my problem with this entire "DL Epidemic" people just choose to point the fingers, and no one takes responsibillity on a personal level for not taking the 2.3 seconds to strap up, and that is gay and stright society. I was utterly digusted with the entire film, and I will be busy sending e-mails to various organizations including GLAAD, and those of you that know me, know how much I hate the word faggot being used, and it was along with other things. I guess being the person I am with the exception of undergrad @ an HBCU, I have somewhat fell into being confortable around gay people. Last night I was in the theather and I felt so uncomfortable, what was even more sicking was the reaction people were giving, and the why reacted to the trash was just horrible. If all of black America has the mind set of those individuals that were there last evening, we really are in trouble with this epidemic........

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