Friday, September 22, 2006

Knowing Love....

LOVE IS A BITCH!!! Love is one of those things that we put so much energy into hoping for the best results, but it is so much of a gamble. Love is also very funny because eveyone has their own perception, or definition of what it is... In my opinion love for one of the few things that websters' cannot define, for we much give our own definition. So here is my story.... Love has been my bestfriend, yet my worst enemy, becasue when I love, I love hard. It is funny there have been timess when I felt like it was love, but it was not....Mary. J, Blige said that "A love that tears you down, ain't really love" and boy did that bich hit it on the head....After my last relationship I thought I would never be able to give my heart to anyone, and trust them... I feel back into the thinking that gay relationships are not meant to last, they are just a get it and move on. It was not until I sat down and really thought about some shit and came to some conclusions. I feel like I know what love is in my heart. If feel like you dont have to know EVERYTHING about someone to be in love with them, but if they make you feel ways and things you cannot even make yourself feel, or in my case myself, it's love to me. When you wake up in the morning with tha person on your mind before you even brush your teeth or even think about what you are going to wear for the day. Love is one of those things that every one trys to make a song about, and everyone tried to define, but we can of make our own definitions......


hotsauce718 said...

Love??? What is it? How do we get it? How do we maintain it? Those are questions the the smartest minds seems to debate constantly. But for me love is...knowing that someone is there for you through the thick and thin, knowing that the person you want to be with wants to be with you as well, love is...when you haven't taked to someone in two years and one day the conversation picks back up like it never ended. Love is, when you don't just give your body, you invest you soul. I can say without a dought that, Terrance and I have a connection that is far more reaching than the miles that seperate us. When I met him we had an instant connection, it was an online hook-up or a chat line connection. We were introduced by a mutural friend. And when we met it was like we were old friends, laughing, joking, we shared some things in common. But for whatever reason, that wasn't the right "time" for us. We were just laying a foundation for "now". When I wake up he is the first thing on my mind, before I put my feet to the floor, I grab my phone and send him a text message. Its funny how I want to be able to kiss him, touch him, hold him but the distance wont allow it. Thats ok, distance makes the heart grow founder, it allows us more time to get to know each other without a physical persence. Do I want to be with him? HELL YES. Do I want him to be with me? HELL YES. Do I think this is going to be the best realtionship I have been in? HELL TO THE YEAH!!!! "I Love me some HIM!!"

TheUrbanCowBeau said...

AWWW I am going to cry...