Saturday, September 16, 2006

Getting Up Outta Hea...

A confused soul I was. Living for others I did. Not anymore, I have decided that I am going to step out on faith for a change in life. I have been debating what I want to do with this chapter in my life for quite some time now, and it is clear. I have decided to make the BIG MOVE... I will be moving to New York City this year to find my dreams, and live the life I want to live. I have always been scared for sometime to move fa away from home, but I think ultimatly it might be what I need to fully grow up. I want to live the life of a young openly gay black man in a all-american city where I can enjoy evening shows, great food, chilling at coffee houses with other yuppies, and enjoying this life. This starts a new chapter in so many ways. I will start by taking the next month to do some heavy duty organizing,takling care of my business here in Texas, making sure all of my posessions are taken care of until I can send for them. I will then takle the task of speaking with my family and basically telling them what my intentions are, and that I need this... Most importantly I will take the time to get to know Trey much better, yes Trey the new guy in my life, well actually not the new guy in my life, a flame from the past I am rekendling in a new city, with a new additude...I will be okay, I have no choice right?? Below is a letter from a new friend on myspace, and blogger helping me with some words of wisdom...

----------------- Original Message -----------------

Date: Sep 12, 2006

6:24 PM

Hey There Darian, I wanted to send you a message in addition to the last message I sent you. Well I must say I love your blog. I have taken the time over the past weekend to read almost all of your entries. You remind me of myself so much. I am 21 years old fresh out of college, and I currently reside in Houston,TX. I am from a smaller city in TX about 100 miles NW of Houston. I recently graduated from college with two degrees, one in Mass Communications, and Architecture. I do a lot of work here in Houston with the community, as well as back on campus with a club I started fro GLBT students on campus. I truely got comfortable with being here close to home, but far enough, but I am starting to see that if I want to better myself, and really "LIVE" I might have to leave TX, but I am so scared. I am here in Houston, and there is not much a a market for young gay black men in PR. I would love to move somewhere like DC, NYC, or ATL, but I am not sure. I know I should go out on faith, but that is so much eaiser said than done. I know you just did a dross country move so how was it???

The Response:

Hey Terrance ! So this is what I have to say, after living in 4 cities over the past 8 years I know a little bit about moving. You said it yourself, "you're just gonna have to step out on faith". That's exactly what I did and each time I landed on my feet. When I moved to L.A. all I had was 400 dollars in my pocket, 2 suitcases, and a dream, and I built a pretty good life for myself there. I think NYC, DC, or ATL, would be great cities for you to really "LIVE" in, the opportunities are endless, not to mention the thriving black gay culture that are present in all 3 cities. Come up with a game plan and no matter what don't allow yourself or anyone else talk you out of it or tell you how hard it's gonna be on your own. It won't always be easy, but it will definitely be worth it at the end of the day. Good luck and keep me posted. If you decide to move to ATL you know you already have a friend in me.



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