Saturday, September 16, 2006

I can tell by the sounds in your voice...

My favriote artist Frankie Beverly featuring Maze have the song "I can tell by the look in your eyes..." well I am in a new relationship, or something like that... Lets see I met a guy a couple of years ago, and I was in my young and free days, didn't feel like being tied down so therefore I didn't. About a year ago I ran into him, and found out he had moved to NYC, never though much more about it nor him. Well with all that has been going on I was weighing my options of places I wanted to move, and possibally start a new life for myself without all of the demons, and misfortunes I have had here in Houston. I said to myself "why not the big apple", however I had these huge fears. I created a account on A4A, and the first note I got was from him. The qoute from him was "if you moving here now, I better be your ni99a..." I was like who is this then when I looked at the body shots I was instantly reminded of who I was talking to. Well to cut out all the middle bullshit I found out that it was him Trey, he is still in NYC lving nicely, however he was very lonely, and wants someone to have and hold. I jumped right into it head first...I am not acting out of lust I am acting from the heart. We have instantly connected, and with the exception of a few worries I think he could be the one...I will be visiting him in the city next month for his birthday, and I cannot wait...You see shit like this all the time on TV and in the movies but you never think it will happen to you.....

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