Wednesday, July 18, 2007

it was my best TEAday ever.....

where do i begin? well today was my 22nd birthday, and i must say it has been somewhat of a simple day, yet it has been the most special birthday i have have to date. my day started last night (this morning) with phone calls from everyone wish me a happy birthday. i woke up this morning feeling refreshed, and ready for a great day. i took the day off so that was one thing that was going to make the day great also. i decided to stay home do a little packing, and send some e-mails. i went to hour of power @ noon, which is a special mid-week service that my pastor hold every wednesday @ noon for professionals, and community member to come, get the word, eat, and go back to work, school, or whatever. well when i walked in everyone greeted me and wished me a happy birthday, and my general question was "how do they know it's my birthday??" anyway, he went right into the message, which hit so close to home for me as they always do. it's amazing how every sermon i have heard him preach to date has effected me personally and he breaks down in ways I never thought were possible. i guess the major difference in this birthday was that i am saved now, and i understand the importance of Christ in my life. i now understand that GOD created me for me, just the way i am, and he is with me guiding my path. i now understand that everyday is a birthday, and i give thanks for that. after church, i went to a meeting with some clients of TOG and wrapped up a major project i have been working on which was another great gift. ...i took a trip to the mall, and went to check on my cake for this weekend, then i returned home where my family had a cake and dinner for me.....i have so much to be grateful for, i am 22 years old, educationally focused, i have my own business, a great job, great friends, and sanity. i just hope i am blessed with many more days like this in this lifetime.....and just to think my 22nd birthday celebration is not over yet...

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